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Home Maintenance & Modification Services

MannaCare Home Maintenance Service offers assistance to eligible people in their own home by providing some home modifications

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MannaCare Home Maintenance Service, funded under the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP), aims to provide advice and assistance with home maintenance to help maintain a safe, habitable and healthy home environment for older people and those with a disability.

We can also assist with safety and access issues that may be impeding day-to-day life in the home.

In addition, we offer CHSP Occupational Therapy services which can assist older people with advice on rail modification installations and home safety assessments.

MannaCare charges fees in line with CHSP guidelines.

Typically, the Home Maintenance and Modification Services can help with:

  • installing ramps, steps, handrails and shower hardware modifications
  • minor home maintenance to assist with safety and access (such as changing smoke alarms or light globes, or repairing broken gates and doors that are obstructing access)


These services are available to any resident in the Eastern Metropolitan Region who is:

• 65 years or older,
• 50 years or older and identify as an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person, or
• 50 years or older and on a low income, homeless or at risk of homelessness.

Typically, the home maintenance service can help with:

  • installing ramps, steps and handrails
  • doing minor home modifications (such as minor carpentry and shower hardware modifications)

People can either apply directly for the service or be referred through a range of CHSP assessors.

We also accept referrals from the State-wide Equipment Program (SWEP), with referrals coming through occupational therapists of treating health services.

For all Home Maintenance Services enquiries, call MannaCare on
1300 90 20 23.

Home modifications and safety assessments

An Occupational Therapist is funded by the Commonwealth Home Support Programme to do home modifications and safety assessments. Please make all referral enquires by calling MannaCare on 1300 90 20 23