All registered aged care providers who are subsidised by the Commonwealth have to adopt 8 new quality standards on the 1st July 2019.
The Aged Care Quality Agency and the Complaints Commission were combined on the 1st January 2019 to form the Australian Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission. The commission is responsible for ensuring we meet all these standards at registered MannaCare sites and services.
These standards have been designed and put in place to ensure all aged care services provide the best possible customer care to clients.
As a result we will be:
- Inspected by the Australian Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission.
- Visits from this agency will be unannounced and could happen at any time, including weekends and evenings.
MannaCare is committed to this process and will work hard to ensure that we meet these standards so that we provide the best possible care for our clients so that they are treated as individuals with dignity and respect.
For more information
- About the new standards
- About the rights of consumers
- How to make a complaint to the commissioner
Please click on this link:
Department of Health website for Aged Care:
Aged Care Charter of rights – Your rights as a consumer of aged care services:
To register for a government subsidised aged care service:
MannaCare Whistleblower Policy
The new Australia whistleblower laws commenced on 1 July 2019 and included a requirement that all “public” (including not-for-profits registered as public companies limited by guarantee) and “large proprietary” companies have a compliant Whistleblower Policy in place from 1 January 2020. MannaCare is committed to abide to the new laws and will ensure that whistleblowers are protected.
Request to access MannaCare clients and residents personal information?
MannaCare recognises its responsibility to provide access to personal and health information in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles.
If you wish to access personal information of your loved ones, you may do so by completing the Access to Information Form and email to the Privacy Officer at We will seek to handle all requests for access to personal information as quickly as possible.
We may refuse access to personal information in a number of circumstances including where giving access to the information would pose a serious threat to the life, health or safety of a person, giving access would have an unreasonable impact on the privacy of a person, the information relates to existing or anticipated legal proceedings and would not be available under the discovery process, or denying access is required or authorised by an Australian law or court order.