- On 01/03/2021
The Board is pleased to announce the appointment of Tracy Laethaisong as our new Chief Executive Officer. Tracy has a strong background in both the operational and strategic processes around residential aged care and has over 10 years of managerial experience in the aged care industry. She has been a member of the MannaCare Board for the past 3 years and so has a sound understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing MannaCare in both the short and the long term.
Tracy is replacing Ross Dawson who, as I have previously advised, is retiring as CEO after some 17 years in this role. We congratulate Ross on his substantial achievements during this time and thank him particularly for his leadership and guidance during this past challenging pandemic year. MannaCare today is a much larger and substantial business than the MCA that Ross took over as CEO in 2004 and we thank and congratulate him for his leadership and vision over the years.
Tracy will join MannaCare as CEO elect on 15 March, 2021 and will assume the role of CEO when Ross retires from that position on 26 March, 2021.
Will you please join me in welcoming Tracy and farewelling Ross.
David E Meiklejohn AM