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Home Care Packages

MannaCare helps administer a range of Home Care Packages providing choice and flexibility for older people to assist them to remain in their homes longer

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MannaCare supports all levels of Home Care Packages:

  • Level 1 for people with basic level care needs
  • Level 2 for people with low level care needs
  • Level 3 for people with intermediate care needs
  • Level 4 for people with high care needs

What is a Home Care Package?

More older people want to keep living independently than ever before.

A Home Care Package is an allocation of funds enabling you to purchase services and products that support your independent lifestyle goals.

MannaCare can help you manage your Home Care Package, facilitating choice and flexibility to personalise services and help you remain in your home longer.

MannaCare’s service principle is based on the Consumer Directed Care (CDC) concept.  Under the Consumer Directed Care (CDC) model of service, once a person’s goals and level of involvement in the management of their package have been identified, the provider/Care Advisor will work in partnership with them to determine what care, services, and supports are needed to enable them to achieve their goals and meet their care needs.

Services include:

  • Personal Care
  • Household Tasks and Cleaning
  • Social Support and Connection
  • Respite Care
  • Shopping and Transport
  • Home and Garden Maintenance
  • Allied Health Services
  • Equipment and Home Modifications
  • Nursing Services
  • Meal Assistance
  • Care Management
  • Package Management


Centrelink will apply an income test to people who have an income greater than the basic Aged Pension, and will determine if an Income Tested Fee is required to access a Home Care Package.  MannaCare do not charge a daily care fee


To receive a package, a person needs to be assessed and approved as eligible for home care by an Aged Care Assessment Team.  Our care advisors are able to assist you with this application process.

Several organisations can help manage Home Care Packages in the Manningham municipality but MannaCare is proud to be the only one to offer an integrated range of local services.

MannaCare also has a direct service arm, MCA FlexiCare, which provides personalised in-home support services to older people.

For more information on Home Care Packages, call MannaCare on
1300 90 20 23.

Home Care Packages are governed by the Aged Care Quality Standards.